Heather Armstrong
Covid-19 Artist Statement I began the painting titled “Where is Everybody” in January. I originally had a different idea as to what the painting was going to look like. Then slowly the pandemic took hold and life in our world changed dramatically. When things first came to a standstill, our streets were bare, and there was very little activity outdoors. That is when the idea, of the “two deer” coming out into the opening of a large field, with no other living creatures in sight, came to me. I wanted the deer to look like they were wondering where in the world was everyone? So that is what I tried to portray in this painting. It actually took me some time to finish this painting because my creative processes seemed to be curbed by all of the changes that were happening in our world. I found that at times I really had to concentrate on getting it done.
After I finished the first painting, I unfortunately, ended up with a slight eye injury, and on top of that my husband got ill, (thankfully, not covid), but actually a more serious problem. To make matters worse, we found that getting medical help was very difficult, because we didnʼt have covid! So because of all this, I did not work on any paintings for almost two months. Thankfully things worked out for the good....and just a week before this show, I felt at ease to paint again and so worked on the painting titled “Raven Blues,” which shows an “elderly” raven looking out at the blue skies of freedom. This reminded me of all the “elderly” who are confined to care homes, or indoors, waiting for better days. And so my hope and prayers are for all of the ones that have been affected by this pandemic, that soon we will soar again in freedom! |